アジア経済情報紙「The Daily NNAベトナム版」にベトナムプロジェクトが掲載されました
ベトナム開催 MEET JAPAN2017「日本に出会う~南中部地域」のイベントに参加しました
茶畑の太陽光をシェア 天竜区にパネル設置
太陽光発電パネルの下で茶葉を刈る池田亮代表(右)ら=浜松市天竜区で |
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※「中日新聞-http://www.chunichi.co.jp/article/shizuoka/20170607/CK2017060602000285.html-より抜粋 2017.6.8 11:30」
弊社太陽光建設プロジェクトについて「NNA ASIA」に掲載されました
(平成29年6月7日(水)発行 ―The Daily NNA ベトナム版【Vietnam Edition】第03177号[7]-より抜粋)
Fujiwara Renewable Energy Project in NEZ
On May 30th 2017, Binh Dinh Provincial People’s Committee together with Binh Dinh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA) organized the investment certificate over handing on The Project of Generating Electric Power Plant from Solar Power Energy and Wind Power Energy for Japanese Fujiwara Company. The attendants are Mr. Phan Cao Thang, Permanent Deputy Chairman of Binh Dinh Provincial People’s Committee, Leaders of Binh Dinh Provincial Departments, including BEZA, Construction Department, Investment and Planning, Natural Resources and Environment, Industry & Trade and EVN’s Central High Voltage Electric System Company.
The Binh Dinh Fujiwara Project of Electric Power Plant from Solar Power Energy and Wind Power Energy is an FDI project on the west slope of Phuong Mai Mountain in NEZ with total area of 60 hectares, total investment capital of USD 63.69 million, output electric capacity of 100 MW and the executing period of 50 years since releasing The Investment Certificate.
According to the registered construction schedule, The Project will be started installing in the second quarter of 2017, the first phase will be finished at the beginning of 2019 and whole project will be finished at the beginning of 2020. The output product of The Project is electric power from renewable solar and wind power, which is being considered as special preferential investment attraction of Vietnam Government. After operating, The Project will create about 100 jobs and contribute to the national budget and local social – economic development.
Mr. Osamu Kimura, Chairman of Japanese Fujiwara highly appreciated the kind attention from Binh Dinh Provincial leaders, including The People’s Committee, BEZA, provincial departments and trades since searching investment opportunities in Binh Dinh Province. He also committed to quickly set up and put The Project under operation according to the registered plan.
Also at the ceremony, Mr. Phan Cao Thang, Permanent Deputy Chairman of Binh Dinh Provincial People’s Committee, emphasized that the attraction of above project is suitable with Binh Dinh provincial strategy of investment promotion in this period. With this second Japanese project in NEZ, Mr. Deputy Chairman highly estimated the attempt from Fujiwara Company and affirmed that Binh Dinh Province will always go together with the investor and always create the best condition for all investor with project in Binh Dinh Province.
Dang Nguyen Phuc
※「http://kktbinhdinh.vn/en/3575_fujiwara-renewable-energy-project-in-nez.aspx#.WS_CfoUxWaNより抜粋 2017.6.1 14:18)
Bình Định sẽ có dự án điện mặt trời kết hợp điện gió15:02 |31/05/2017
UBND tỉnh Bình Định vừa tổ chức lễ trao Giấy chứng nhận đăng ký đầu tư dự án Nhà máy điện mặt trời kết hợp điện gió Fujiwara, tại khu kinh tế Nhơn Hội cho Công ty Fujiwara (Nhật Bản). Tổng công suất thiết kế của dự án là 100MW, vốn đầu tư 63,69 triệu USD.
Theo dự kiến, dự án sẽ được khởi công xây dựng đầu quý tháng 7/2017, hoàn thành đi vào vận hành (giai đoạn 1), công suất 64MW vào đầu năm 2019 và hoàn thành giai đoạn 2 vào đầu năm 2020.
Nhà máy điện mặt trời kết hợp điện gió Fujiwara là dự án 100% vốn nước ngoài (do Công ty Fujiwara đầu tư), công suất 100MW tại khu vực sườn phía Tây núi Phương Mai (khu kinh tế Nhơn Hội), trên diện tích 60ha, vốn đầu tư 63,69 triệu USD.
Thời gian hoạt động của dự án là 50 năm (kể từ ngày được cấp Giấy chứng nhận đăng ký đầu tư).
http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/dien-hat-nhan-nang-luong-tai-tao/binh-dinh-se-co-du-an-dien-mat-troi-ket-hop-dien-gio.html(「ベトナムエネルギーニュース 」より抜粋 2017.5.31. 15:02)
太陽光発電所 売り物件ページの更新をしました
Japanese Fujiwara Searching Investment Opportunities in Binh Dinh Province and NEZ
In the morning of February 24th 2017, Mr. Phan Cao Thang – Permanent Deputy Chairman of Binh Dinh Provincial People’s Committee together with representatives of the assistant agencies, consisting of Binh Dinh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA) and the departments such as Foreign Affair, Investment and Planning, Natural Resources and Environment, Industry & Trade, and the related others welcomed and worked with Japanese Fujiwara Company.
At the meeting, Mr. Phan Cao Thang and the others related from Binh Dinh Province were introduced about the modernest technology of solar power generating systems which has been successfully applied by Fujiwara in Japan and some other nations. The advantages of this technology is to make huge electric solar power in a narrow area. They can install solar panels on a tea plantation and do it in the later years so that this method help the farmers get double-income, one from cultivation and another by selling of electric power. This kind of technology has been increasingly expanded in Japan where there are the world’s leading earthquakes and natural disasters of typhoon occur every year. Therefore, when constructing structures, Fujiwara set up strict standards to rarely provide to the customers all over the world. However, at the meeting, Fujiwara leaders want to invest a project of solar power generating system in an area from 10 hectares to 100 hectares, locating near the substation of Vietnam Electricity (EVN).
Then the leaders of BEZA and Industry & Trade Department shared some information on existing renewable energy projects in Binh Dinh Province. At the moment, there are 08 investors on 04 locations in Phu Cat District and Phu My District. In Phuong Mai Peninsula, there is an area of about 1,000 hectares on mountain slopes with the height of 250 meters from sea level where can be carried out the project of solar power generator. And at the present, the national electric power system can be connected easily to the location in NEZ. Fujiwara leadership members were very interested in the given information and kindly request Binh Dinh Provincial Leaders to survey the locations and to give the best condition in quick investment procedure processing.
Mr. Phan Cao Thang, Permanent Deputy Chairman of Binh Dinh Provincial People’s Committee highly appreciated the ideas on investing to Binh Dinh Province from Fujiwara Company with the Advanced Project of Solar Power Generator which Vietnamese Government especially and preferentially prefer. In Binh Dinh Province, there are some investors from Germany, Spain, Thailand and Korea who have registered on generating renewable energy source. The Permanent Deputy Chairman of Binh Dinh Provincial People’s Committee kindly requested Fujiwara Company to apply the above advanced technology and should think of one project that generate both wind power and solar power in the same area. The provincial departments would go together with the investor on site survey for choosing suitable places. In case of investing agreement, Binh Dinh Province would hand over the investment certificate within one day, just like Japanese Marubeni Lumber’s Project in NEZ. Fujiwara Leaders highly appreciated the attention from Binh Dinh Provincial Leaders. Also in the afternoon of the same day, Fujiwara Company had a survey on Phuong Mai Peninsula in NEZ.
27/02/2017 14:16′ – views : 277